Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Photo A Day: To pee or not to pee ...

Out and about yesterday, I discovered that I could no
longer shop until I took a quick moment to visit the
bathroom. The only problem was that I was in Krogers
market, at the time. Oh sure, they have restrooms that are
used by the employees as well as the customers but getting
TO them is the part that bothers me.

First off, they're located behind those 2 big scary doors that
you always see in the meat department. You know the one's.
There's usually a HUGE scary guy in a white outfit walking
in and out of them ... blood all over him with a meat cleaver
in his hand. Kinda gives you that same sense of security as
you had while watching the movie "Midnight Meat Train" ...

Anyhow, once beyond those doors the first thing you see up
ahead is the sign "RESTROOMS" giving you a false sense
of hope because as you begin to get your bearings and start
looking around, you realize you are in the perfect setting to
to be the next "scream queen" of a Wes Craven movie.

BUT alas, you have to go ... you lock your eyes on the stairs
located just below the sign ... can you make it before the mad
butcher notices you're there? The next moments will tell ...

So off I sprint to the staircase and scurry down while
continually looking over my shoulder for "The Butcher Man".
I see the sign "Women's" and rush in, locking the door quickly
behind me. I go into the stall for a moment of relaxation before
I have to plan my escape and as I reach for the toilet paper ...

*GULP* ... This is NOT a good sign, at all. A victim before
me ... their final plea for HELP. I hope they made it ...

I consider making a "Blair Witch" type of video as I sat
there wondering what to do next. At least then, friends and
family wouldn't have to wonder why I went missing as I sit
wrapped so nicely in the meat section with a sticker that
reads "$2.69 per lb".

But I quickly ditch that idea with a sudden energy and will,
to SURVIVE! I can live thru this! I gathered my new found
guts (before the butcher could) and ran like the wind!

I burst through the doors into the unknowing faces of happy,
unaware customers as they scrutinize packages of ground
beef. If only they knew ... that could have been ME in there.


  1. LOL...we ought to do a spoof!!! I got the cam! I have thought the same many times in going.

    I wonder if we should sneak in there and put "BEWARE" of "BUTCHER"?

    ~ Carrie

  2. Let's do it! I am SO game, lol. Have you seen the HELP written on the stall wall yet?

  3. Yes, I have seen it!!! LOL. I an wondering if they have seen this? I went to the bathroom the other day and at least the stairwell was lit a little more!! TEE HEE! :)
