Eleven years ago I started blogging as a form of therapy. I had just moved here to Missouri and knew no one, I mean NO ONE and more importantly, no one like me.
An L.A. to Las Vegas girl, all of a sudden plopped down in the heart of the Midwest? Yeah, you get the picture. So I started a blog to let my frustrations out.
For the first few years it was a huge part of my life. I had made blogger friends - a few of which are still part of my life, and we shared blogger activities that I surely miss. Man-o-man, those were the days.
But then things changed *heavy sigh* and I had to move with it. Blogger took a back burner to things like my full time job, side projects (graphic work, web page design and Tshirt making, to name a few) and even yes, Facebook until eventually, my posts and my desire to post became few and far between.
But life is more comfortable now. The need to have ten things going at the same time isn't an issue any more and I think now, I can kick back in this chair and spew my thoughts and experiences all over the pages again, like I use to.
So here we go. It took eleven years but I have come full circle :)
I for one am glad you're back... to it... blogging, that is. ;)