Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hector unleashed!

Apparently, Hector does NOT like it when I come home late from shopping. 
He does however ... like Burger King :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mans (rather, womans) Best Friend

I walk through the door and throw down my backpack. I sit in my chair and turn on the computer while pulling off my boots and within seconds, "Hector" attacks!  He missed me I guess :)

Like any person with a "pet" who's home all day without your attention, you have to understand their plight and show then some love, right? The only difference here is that Hector isn't your average pet. Hector ... is a balloon.

On October 1st, 2010 which was my Birthday, my friend Stacey surprised me at work with a cake, flowers and a balloon. Well, the cake is long gone (THAT now resides on my thighs, thank you Stacey) and the flowers have long wilted. But the balloon, lives on!
For 3 and 1/2 months, "hector", as I so named him has taken on his own personality. I have no clue how he spends his day, but when I come home from work, he's usually bobbing in the corner. However, the moment he notices me, Hector sashays over to my desk to greet me. I talk to him, asking him about his day as he bobs up and down in excitement. Then, it's ON. Play time has begun and here, begins his nightly romp through the apt.

However, his nightly romps have become somewhat of a problem. His latest adventure is the first that comes to mind:
It was 3 nights ago and I was soooo tired and about 3am, I wake to the sound of scratching. I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes, but after a few seconds, I realized what is was. Hector. Hector was traveling around the apt. full speed and dragging his head along the ceiling. I couldn't stand it! I didn't have the energy to get up and make him stop, yet I couldn't fall completely back to sleep either! What an awful night that was ...
The NEXT night though, I had plans for Hector! Before bed ... I put him in the closet. Ahhhh, sleep is good I thought.
The next day when I got home from work, Hector wasn't there to greet me. *blink*blink* ...
While pondering this, I continue toward the closet to hang up my coat and there he was! OMG! I forgot to let him out of the closet before I went to work!
Well Hector upon seeing me got SO excited that he tried to rush me! Of course, my first instinct was to slam the doors shut, but I still had that darn coat to hang up! So I'm holding the doors open juuuuust enough to get my arms in there as I carefully eye Hector bobbing back and forth, length-wise across my clothes ... waiting  ... knowing, that at some point, he might have a chance! Then, just as I start to close the doors, Hector makes a dash for it! I was faster though, trapping him in between the doors as he gave me that "pitiful" look while hanging half way in and halfway out of the closet. I open the doors, ever-so-slightly to PUSH him back in when he does it! He makes his escape, AND ... off he goes ...

Since October of last year, it's been one thing after another with Hector. Sometimes, if I ignore him, he'll defiantly bob over to where "Mathom", my forest elf who sits on a tree branch in the corner of my ceiling resides. Mathom has never really done anything personally to Hector but Hector, just to get even with me, will bop right into Mathom, knocking him off of his branch onto the floor and then ... scurries across the room. (giggling to himself I imagine).

But most of the time, Hector is just fun to have around. Watching him look out of the window on a sunny day, hovering near the T.V. when we're watching a good television show, and even how cute he looks when I scold him and he turns his face to the wall and stands in the corner ... this, is life with Hector.
Find any of this hard to believe? Look below :)