Monday, April 26, 2010

Midnight chain of thought ...

Ever wonder what goes on in someones head when they're alone? Here are my thoughts in a 15 minute span .....

I hate sleeping, i'll just wake up bitter as usual ..... another boring tomorrow I bet ..... Oh yeah, my book is in at the library. I'll need to walk there tomorrow ..... how in the hec can I get a car? ..... my frog is so cute ..... I have the worst handwriting of any female I have ever seen. How does one write girly? ..... I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow so I can look for a new job ..... that poptart was gross ..... I hate food period so screw it ..... if my knee's didn't hurt standing up, i'd go to the bathroom right now ..... wonder how long I can wait ..... hoarders are so selfish ..... is there nothing on TV? ..... I need friends or something ..... why am I always mad? ..... today when I got mad at Vickey I actually saw the color red. Weird ..... I dislike 95 % of the people I work with ..... I really hate liars, scammers, no-it-alls and bullshitters ..... omg I forgot to pay on my law-away ..... I wish I could paint this apt. ..... I would love to re-decorate and make it bright and happy in here ..... I need to get my lay-away out so I can have my capri's ..... I hate my legs ..... I have got to quit soda, but what else is there? ..... maybe if I read i'll stop thinking ..... i'm going to bed when this show is over ..... gotta check facebook .....

1 comment:

  1. Funny... I was thinking the same thing... just in reverse order. ;)
